Friday, March 22, 2013

Colonialism, Spices, and 4chan

As I was taking notes in class, a lot of exercises popped into my head so I typed them into my notes and will try to do as many as possible. First and foremost, we discussed that the internet is the institution of electracy, as the school was for literacy and the church was for orality. Religion was the group that made decisions in the first period, science for the second, and I believe that the internet group decision makers is going to be some kind of 4chan or Reddit community. How can we appeal to the electrate generation? Memes. Why? Merriam Webster Dictionary defines meme as "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." We need to reach the community. We need to infotain them. If electracy is all about pleasure/pain, why should the electrate generation care about what's right or wrong (polluting is wrong and we're responsible for it), or what's true or false (the City of Gainesville water will be poisoned in a matter of years and make the area unlivable due to the Cabot Koppers Superfund site). We're not here to school people or preach to people. We have to reach them through the institution of the internet and use infotainment. A humorous meme could provide the pleasure and the public responsibility epiphany if done properly. Moreover, what do we want to do about it? Why do we want people to know about Cabot Koppers site? Do we want them to donate to the well-being project? Perhaps we need to organize a civics flashmob and initiate the invitation online.

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